About the Business Analytics & Reports Builder
Business Analytics & Reports Builder
User Analytics
This feature gives a graphical view of number of subscribers with the Service Provider and analysis of their usage patterns. It becomes a very useful tool for the marketing team and management to understand customer behaviour.
- Analytics on Last & Next week Expiry Users
- Analytics on Subscribers based on Branch , Area , NAS , POP & Node Wise
- Analytics on Package Wise Subscribers
- Analytics on New Connections Vs Disconnections
- Analytics on Franchise wise Subscriber movement and usage
Complaint Analytics
The feature enables the service assurance teams to get a 360 Degree view of all the Tickets opened across organization and take corrective action wherever necessary to reduce the overall TAT(Turnaround time) for complaint resolution.
- Analytics based on Open , In Progress and Closed Tickets
- Analytics based on last 15 days Ticket with Status
- Analytics based on Tickets based on Branch , Franchise , Area , POP & Node
- Category and Sub category Wise Analytics
- SLA Breached Complaint Analytics
Revenue Analytics
This feature gives analytical insights to revenue flow for Service Operators . It gives trends which is very useful for the finance team to manage their cash flow
- Revenue Analytics based on Branch
- Revenue Analytics based on Plans & Packages
- Analytics based on User Wise Renewals
- Analytics based on Unpaid Invoices
- Analytics based on Franchise Renewals & Balances
Dynamic Report Builder
This feature enables various teams of Service Operators to generate reports dynamically . It gives them flexibility to fetch data and arrange the output to meet their business requirements.
- Ability to select database fields
- Apply filters and expressions
- Create Cached Reports
- Report Scheduler for Email Dispatches